Gender in the Blender

European Youth Works

Actor & assistant director

Assisting the director the last day when the final scenes were shot.

September, 2015


In 2015 I participated in an exchange project together with 19 other Belgian and Latvian youngsters. We had a tight planning with all the workshops we had covering the theme gender and gender diversity. We discussed several topics and it was very interesting to see the cultural differences.

Furthermore we also made a short film in the form of a mini series, which is now part of an educational course. Every day we made a scenario and filmed it in between our workshops. The episode of that day was edited during the night so we could see the result the next morning and start all over again for that day’s episode. In the film I am captured in a creepy basement. Cool to play :). The last day we filmed the last episode. In this episode there were some mayor scenes involving a lot of people (including extras) and special locations. As I was still captured in the basement, I did not have to play that day. Instead of putting me somewhere in the back, I was asked to assist the direct. I had to guide the extras, make sure everything was in place etc. so the director could focus on the scenes itself.

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